现如今,地产大腕们除了盖房子,卖房子,还有一个爱好,就是凑热闹。不仅出书,拍广告,爬山,建博物馆,还常常自我解嘲,承认自己出卖色相地产。可以说,地产已经完全娱乐化,楼市段子层出不穷,此起彼伏,筛筛选选,列出TOP 10楼市段子给众位看官,贻笑大方。王志刚:“地产骡马市”“现代名利场” 著名策划人王志纲是住交会的特邀嘉宾之一,谈及对展会的看法,他调侃的概括:“地产骡马市”、“现代名利场”。王志纲解释说,有“钱”的企业来这里进行交流,寻求合作,同时寻
Now, real estate big names in addition to building a house, selling a house, there is a hobby, is to join in the fun. Not only a book, shoot ads, mountain climbing, building museums, but also often self-mockery, admitted that they sell out of hue estate. It can be said that the real estate has been completely entertaining, the property market after another, one after another, screening selected, listed in the Top 10 property market segment to Tell you, I laughed generous. Wang Zhigang: “real estate Luomashi ” “modern Vanity Fair ” famous planner Wang Zhigang is one of the guests invited to live Fair, talking about the views of the show, he ridicule summarized: “real estate luomashi ”Modern Vanity Fair “. Wang Zhigang explained that enterprises with ”money " came here to communicate, seek cooperation and seek