为什么叫对虾? 一说到对虾,不少人以为,对虾是雌雄相伴,形影不离,成双成对生活在一起的,犹如成对的鸳鸯那样相亲相爱呢! 其实,这是一种误解,是想当然的。事实上,渔民所捕获的对虾,不是一对一对生活在一起的,往往是雌多雄少,而且相当悬殊。 那么,人们为什么叫它对虾呢?这是因为,从前渔民统计捕捞对虾成果时,不是用“千克”来计算,而是不论雌雄,每两只算一对,以“对”计算的。在水产市场上出售时,购买者也是一对一对地买,而不是一只一只地买。还有在食品商店里,干制后带皮的对虾也是以每两只互插在一起,成对的出售。这样,年长日久,“对虾”这个名称就流传下来了。
Why shrimp? When it comes to shrimp, many people think that shrimp are male and female accompanied by inseparable pairs of live together, as if paired mandarin duck love each other like it! In fact, this is a misunderstanding is taken for granted of. In fact, the shrimp caught by fishermen do not live in one-on-one pairs, but tend to be females and males and are quite different. So, why people call it shrimp it? This is because, before the statistics of fishermen fishing prawn results, not to use “kilograms” to calculate, but regardless of male and female, every two count as a pair of “right” calculation. When it comes to selling in the aquatic market, buyers buy one-on-one rather than buy one by one. Also in the food store, dried skinned prawns are also inserted in pairs for sale in pairs. In this way, the name of “shrimp” passed down as time went by.