新型的XJS 1型便携式数控射孔取心地面测井仪可与国内所有的射孔取心下井仪配接完成射孔取心任务。该系统以计算机为核心 ,采用深度自动校正及曲线自动跟踪技术 ,在WIN DOWS98操作系统下 ,用VC++6 .0语言设计应用软件包 ,接口友好 ,操作方便 ,可以挂接MODEL82 0及EPSON打印机等多种测井曲线输出设备。经现场使用 ,效果良好
The new XJS 1 portable CNC percussion coring tool can be used with all perforation coring tools to complete the perforation coring tasks. The system uses a computer as the core, the use of deep automatic calibration and automatic tracking technology, WIN WINDOWS98 operating system, the VC + +6.0 language design application software package, friendly interface, easy operation, you can mount MODEL82 0 and EPSON Printers and other logging curve output device. After the scene, the effect is good