约翰·布朗(John Brown 1800—1859),十九世纪美国反对黑人奴隶制的杰出人物,著名的彻底废奴主义者。他主张用暴力解决美国的黑人奴隶制问题,领导了著名的哈普斯渡口的起义。 约翰·布朗于1800年5月9日出生在美国康涅狄格州托林顿镇一个白人农民家庭。他的祖父参加过独立战争,为美国的独立而献身。父亲欧文·布朗是一个积极的废奴主义者,早在约翰·布朗幼年时,欧文就在俄亥俄州组织“地下铁道”活动,
John Brown (1800-1885), 19th-century America’s prominent figure against black slavery, the famous total abolitionist. He advocated the use of violence to solve the problem of black slavery in the United States and led the uprising at the famous Harps Ferry. John Brown was born on May 9, 1800 in a white peasant family in Torrington, Connecticut. His grandfather participated in the War of Independence and dedicated himself to the independence of the United States. Owen Brown, a father, was an active abolitionist who, as early as John Brown’s childhood, organized Owen’s “Metro” activities in Ohio,