近一年来 ,我院采用早孕试条对后穹窿穿刺血进行检查 ,发现能明显提高异位妊娠 (ectopicpregnancy ,EP)的诊断率。此方法简便 ,取得了满意结果 ,现报道如下。1 资料与方法1 1 研究对象 选择 1998年 9月至 1999年 9月我科收治的妇科内出血性急腹症患者 31
In the past year, our hospital used early pregnancy test strips to check posterior fornix puncture blood and found that it can significantly improve the diagnosis rate of ectopic pregnancy (EP). This method is simple and achieved satisfactory results, are reported below. 1 Materials and Methods 1 1 Subject Selection September 1998 to September 1999 in our department admitted to patients with gynecological hemorrhagic abdomen 31