[摘要] 目的 探讨电视胸腔镜在肺叶切除患者手术中的临床效果。 方法 对我院接受手术的60例肺叶切除患者入院资料进行分析,医护人员根据患者治疗时间(单日、双日)将患者分为两组,每组有30例患者。对照组患者采用常规肺叶切除手术进行治疗,实验组则使用电视胸腔镜进行肺叶切除手术,比较两组临床治疗效果等指标。 结果 实验组治疗总有效率达到93.33%与对照组(总有效率为80%)相比存在很大优势(P<0.05);实验组患者引流量为(162.4±28.3)mL、疼痛评分为(2.2±0.9)、患者手术过程中麻醉药物哌替啶用量为(24.5±4.8)mg、患者手术后卧床时间为(24.5±4.8)h等指标均优于对照组(P<0.05)。 结论 临床上,在肺叶切除手术中医护人员采用电视胸腔镜的治疗效果比较显著,治疗后能够有效的降低患者并发症,值得推广使用。
[关键词] 胸外科急症手术;电视胸腔镜;治疗效果
[中图分类号] R655.3 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 2095-0616(2014)11-171-03
A clinical analysis of thoracoscope in pulmonary lobectomy
ZHUGE Xueming LIU Yuwei MENG Qingjiang CHEN Jinli
Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery,Kaifeng Central Hospital,Kaifeng 475000,China
[Abstract] Objective To explore the clinical effect of a video-assisted thoracoscope in patients receiving pulmonary lobectomy. Methods Admission data of 60 patients who received pulmonary lobectomy in our hospital were analyzed.The patients were assigned to two groups by medical staff according to treatment days (odd-numbered days and even-numbered days),with 30 patients in each group.The control group received a treatment of regular pulmonary lobectomy,while the experimental group received a pulmonary lobectomy via the video-assisted thoracoscope.Indices such as clinical effect were compared between the two groups. Results The total effective rate in the experimental group reached up to 93.33%,which was significantly higher than that of 80% in the control group(P<0.05);the drainage volume was (162.4±28.3)mL in the experimental group,the pain score was (2.2±0.9),the dosage of an anesthetic of pethidine during the operation was (24.5±4.8)mg,and the time in bed after the operation was (24.5±4.8) h,all of which were better than those in the control group (P<0.05). Conclusion The pulmonary lobectomy via the video-assisted thoracoscope has a significant clinical effect,and effectively reduces complications after the treatment,which is worthy of clinical promotion and application.
[Key words] Emergency thoracic operation;Video-assisted thoracoscope;Curative effect
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料
1.2 患者治疗方法
表1 两组患者一般资料及临床特征
组别 n 男/女 年龄(岁) 平均年龄(岁) 病程(月) 平均病程(月)
实验组 30 25/5 39~84 49.4±1.4 1~6 3.5±2.4
对照组 30 12/18 40~76 46.7±0.8 1.2~6.5 4.2±3.1
x2/t 0.000 0.000 0.00
P 0.051>0.05 0.068>0.05 0.07>0.05
表2 两组患者治疗后疗效比较
组别 n 愈合 显效 有效 无效 总有效率(%) 满意人数 满意率(%)
实验组 30 15(50.0) 10(33.3) 3(10.0) 2(6.67) 93.33 28 93.33
对照组 30 13(43.3) 8(26.7) 3(10.0) 6(20.0) 80.00 26 86.67
[关键词] 胸外科急症手术;电视胸腔镜;治疗效果
[中图分类号] R655.3 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 2095-0616(2014)11-171-03
A clinical analysis of thoracoscope in pulmonary lobectomy
ZHUGE Xueming LIU Yuwei MENG Qingjiang CHEN Jinli
Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery,Kaifeng Central Hospital,Kaifeng 475000,China
[Abstract] Objective To explore the clinical effect of a video-assisted thoracoscope in patients receiving pulmonary lobectomy. Methods Admission data of 60 patients who received pulmonary lobectomy in our hospital were analyzed.The patients were assigned to two groups by medical staff according to treatment days (odd-numbered days and even-numbered days),with 30 patients in each group.The control group received a treatment of regular pulmonary lobectomy,while the experimental group received a pulmonary lobectomy via the video-assisted thoracoscope.Indices such as clinical effect were compared between the two groups. Results The total effective rate in the experimental group reached up to 93.33%,which was significantly higher than that of 80% in the control group(P<0.05);the drainage volume was (162.4±28.3)mL in the experimental group,the pain score was (2.2±0.9),the dosage of an anesthetic of pethidine during the operation was (24.5±4.8)mg,and the time in bed after the operation was (24.5±4.8) h,all of which were better than those in the control group (P<0.05). Conclusion The pulmonary lobectomy via the video-assisted thoracoscope has a significant clinical effect,and effectively reduces complications after the treatment,which is worthy of clinical promotion and application.
[Key words] Emergency thoracic operation;Video-assisted thoracoscope;Curative effect
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料
1.2 患者治疗方法
表1 两组患者一般资料及临床特征
组别 n 男/女 年龄(岁) 平均年龄(岁) 病程(月) 平均病程(月)
实验组 30 25/5 39~84 49.4±1.4 1~6 3.5±2.4
对照组 30 12/18 40~76 46.7±0.8 1.2~6.5 4.2±3.1
x2/t 0.000 0.000 0.00
P 0.051>0.05 0.068>0.05 0.07>0.05
表2 两组患者治疗后疗效比较
组别 n 愈合 显效 有效 无效 总有效率(%) 满意人数 满意率(%)
实验组 30 15(50.0) 10(33.3) 3(10.0) 2(6.67) 93.33 28 93.33
对照组 30 13(43.3) 8(26.7) 3(10.0) 6(20.0) 80.00 26 86.67