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背景去年以来,大同市针对社区党建基础薄弱,社会服务体系不完善和机关在职党员八小时外作用难发挥、行为难监督等实际情况,创造性地开展了亮身份,亮承诺,亮业绩,服务社区建设,服务居民群众,服务困难群体,奉献在社区的在职党员进社区“三亮三服务一奉献”活动。在推进过程中,围绕“咋服务,服务啥,服务好”探索建立了一套较为完善的在职党员进社区为群众 Background Since last year, Datong City has creatively carried out bright identity, bright promise, bright performance and serving the community based on the fact that the foundations for party building in the community are weak, the social service system is not perfect, and the functions of the serving party members outside the organization are difficult to play for eight hours and are difficult to supervise. Construction, serving the residents, people with disabilities, dedication in the community of working party members into the community “Three bright three services a dedication ” activities. In the process of advancing, we have established a set of relatively perfect in-service party members to enter the community around the masses for the purpose of “serving, serving and serving well”