四月七日下午二时许,一股浓烟窜上了甘肃省著名的喇嘛庙拉不楞寺大经堂的房顶,继而烈火升腾。当地干部、群众、军警一万多人赶赴现场奋力抢救,历经四小时才扑灭大火。但是无情的火焰仍旧把该寺一座四千八百平方米的大经堂和部分经书吞噬以尽。 据说,火灾的起因是防火措施不落实,大经堂里的酥油长明灯点燃了附近的幕帷。 位于甘肃省甘南地区的拉不楞寺是国家重点文物保护单位,为喇嘛教格鲁派六大宗主寺院之一,
At about two o’clock in the afternoon on April 7, a thick smoke went to the roof of the temple of Labrang Temple in the famous Lama Temple of Gansu Province, and the fire rose. Local cadres, the masses, and more than 10,000 military and police officers and men rushed to the scene and struggled to rescue them. After four hours, the fire was extinguished. But the unforgiving flame still engulfed the 4,800-square-meter Great Hall and part of the scriptures of the temple. It is said that the cause of the fire is the fire prevention measures are not implemented, the chandelier glow long lights lit near the curtain. Labrador Temple, located in Gannan, Gansu Province, is a national key cultural relics protection unit and one of the six main monasteries of the Gelug Sect of Lamaism.