在长期教学工作中 ,我们一谈到学习焦虑便视它为洪水猛兽 ,千方百计想消除它 ,殊不知适当的焦虑对学生的学习也有一定的促进作用。根据《教育心理学》大词典定义 :“焦虑是一种以担心、紧张或忧虑为特点的复杂而延续的情绪状态 ,是与未能满足需要 ,预料到失败或意识到某种失败
In the long-term teaching work, when we talk about learning anxiety, we regard it as a scourge and do everything possible to eliminate it. We do not know that proper anxiety also has a certain role in promoting students’ learning. According to the Dictionary of Education Psychology, “Anxiety is a complex and continual emotional state characterized by worry, tension, or anxiety. It is a failure to meet needs, and it is expected to fail or to realize some kind of failure.