绘画是一种展现 ,一种神奇的活动 ,在这方面 ,我们若能查看一下儿童的灵魂就好了。 [1]———波德莱尔在艺术活动中 ,我们从未正视儿童作为创造性主体的真实存在。是否想过 ,在塞尚为自己加进蓝色光环的人类艺术彩链上 ,[2] 有一个被遗失的光环 ,同样传达着艺术之为艺术的不朽
Painting is a kind of show, a magical event. In this respect, we can check out the children’s souls. Baudelaire In artistic activities, we never face the real existence of children as creative subjects. Ever wondered, on the human art chain that Cezanne has added to his blue halo, [2] there is a lost aura that also conveys the artistic immortality of art