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经济全球化和区域经济一体化的趋势推动了教育服务贸易的飞速发展。然而相关研究多集中于宏观层面,有关广东与东盟高等教育服务贸易的研究文献却屈指可数。文章通过数据分析认为:第一,广东省与东盟的教育合作条件优越,但广东省留学生教育与经济发展水平极不相称。第二,从留学生数量看,广东在与东盟的教育合作中,处于顺差地位,但教育出口以非学历教育为主,地区较为集中,学科单一。在跨境交付与自然人流动方面,双方合作甚少。第三,对东盟国家而言,广东省在留学成本方面具有绝对优势,但在国际高校引进、教育投入及学科建设方面均有待提高。 The trend of economic globalization and regional economic integration has promoted the rapid development of education service trade. However, most of the researches focus on the macroscopic level. However, there are only a few research papers about the service trade between Guangdong and ASEAN in higher education. Through the data analysis, the article thinks: First, the educational cooperation between Guangdong Province and ASEAN is superior, but the education level of foreign students in Guangdong Province is disproportionately high. Second, judging from the number of foreign students, Guangdong is in a surplus position in its educational cooperation with ASEAN. However, education exports are dominated by non-diploma education, with a relatively concentrated area and a single discipline. In cross-border delivery and the flow of natural persons, the two sides have little cooperation. Thirdly, for the ASEAN countries, Guangdong Province has an absolute advantage in terms of the cost of studying abroad, but it needs to be improved in terms of the introduction of international universities, investment in education and discipline construction.
目的探讨影响新生儿行为测定结果的相关因素.方法采用新生儿行为测定评分表,对本院2001年1月1日~9月30日间573例母婴同室新生儿逐一测定.结果 27例≤35分,占4.7%,经u检验和χ2