全等三角形一章是學習平面幾何的基礎,學生在這階段學習的好壞,影響到以後的幾何學習,所以這一章在整個幾何學習中佔有相當重要的地位。因此,在這一章教學中,如何貫徹教學大綱的精神,充分發揮教材內在的思想性,從而教好學生,是一個很重要的問題。個人對這個問题正在進行學習,所以今天談不到向大家作報告,僅把個人初步學習的點滴認識,向同志們談談如有錯誤或不妥的地方,還請大家多多批評。 關於這個問題,我想分以下六部分來談: (I)本單元教學的目的首先,我們看看學生在學習本單元以前已具有那些幾何知識,然後結合本單元教材的中心內容,來考慮本單元教學目的,學生在學習本單元以前已具有的幾何知識,我個人分析起來有下面幾點:(1)概念方面,通過了線段與角的相等與不等的學習。懂得運用移形公理和重合法,懂得線段和角的四則運算及直線公理,以及其他有關角的一些概念等;(2)作圖方面,已能熟練地運用工具(直尺、三角尺、圓規、量角器等)書出直線、線段、角、角的平分線(用量角器)、垂線、圓
The chapter of the equal triangle is the basis for learning plane geometry. The quality of students learning at this stage affects the subsequent learning of geometry. Therefore, this chapter occupies a very important position in the entire geometry study. Therefore, in this chapter of teaching, how to implement the spirit of the syllabus and give full play to the intrinsic ideology of the teaching materials so as to teach students well is a very important issue. Individuals are learning about this issue. So today we can’t talk about reporting to everyone. We only recognize the individual’s initial learning and talk to the comrades about any mistakes or inaccuracies. Please also ask for more criticism. On this issue, I would like to talk about the following six parts: (I) The purpose of this unit’s teaching First of all, let’s take a look at the geometry knowledge that students have before studying this unit, and then consider this book with the central content of the textbook. The purpose of unit teaching is that the students have the knowledge of geometry that they had before learning this module. I personally analyzed the following points: (1) In terms of concept, I adopted equal and unequal learning of line segments and angles. Understand the use of shifting axioms and legitimacy, knowing the four operations of line segments and angles, and straight line axioms, and some other concepts related to angles; (2) Proficient in the use of tools (straight ruler, triangle ruler, compass , protractor, etc.) Book the bisector (protractor), vertical line, circle of straight line, line segment, angle, angle