In this paper, we designed the Griffin Diplotype Ⅱ hybrid model to analyze the sorghum grain crude protein content and its four components and lysine, tryptophan content of the combining ability and heterosis. The results showed that the σ_ (gca) ~ 2 and σ_ (sca) ~ 2 of 6 quality traits such as crude protein, albumin, globulin, gluten, prolamin and lysine all reached 1% or 5% The effect of additive gene effect was predominant, and the content of tryptophan σ2 (gca) ~ 2 was significantly lower than 1%, but sigma (sca) ~ 2 Not significant, its performance is only related to additive gene effect. The two cultivars of Kaohsiung Kanto (Chaoyang) and Kanto (Zhaomeng) showed relatively high GCA effects in crude protein, albumin, globulin, gluten, lysine and tryptophan Low SCA variance, which shows low GCA effect on prolamin, is an ideal material for improved heterozygous breeding of protein. Heterosis analysis of seven quality traits showed that it was difficult to utilize its dominant F_1 phenotype. The pro-parental advantages of prolamine and gluten were closely related to the parental propensity of crude protein.