目的:探讨Sandwich教学法在中医眼科学教学中的应用,并进行效果评价。方法分别采用Sandwich教学法和传统教学法教学对我校2011级中医学本科两个班级进行中医眼科学教学,通过综合评定两个班级考试成绩及学生对教学效果反馈,并进行效果评价。结果运用Sandwich教学法授课的班级,考试成绩明显高于采用传统教学法的班级(P<0.05)。结论 Sandwich教学法激发了学生主动学习的能力,具有良好教学效果。“,”s:Objective To evaluate the effectiveness of Sandwich method in Traditional Chinese Ophthalmology teaching.Methods The teaching effect was assessed comprehensively by comparison of that in two classes in Traditional Chinese Ophthalmology course, of which one was applied Sandwich teaching method and the other traditional method.Results In Sandwich teaching class;the students got better grades ( P<0.05) .Conclusion The Sandwich method is a more suitable new method for traditional Chinese ophthalmology teaching.