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在英语学习过程中,总有许多学生反映记不住单词,或者暂时记住了,转眼便忘。并且,有相当多的学生反映,即使是背过的单词,再见面时也只是读起来觉得熟,可就是想不出意思是什么,结果文章的含义还是弄不懂。针对此情况,我在教学实践中总结出一种记忆单词的方法——联想法。这种方法尤其适用于初三复习阶段学生记忆、巩固单词。具体操作如下:翻开生词表,读单词要想其音标;看音标时想单词的拼写方 In English learning process, there are always many students can not remember the word can not remember, or temporarily remembered, an instant forget. Moreover, a considerable number of students reflect that even the words that have been traversed can only be read when they meet again. However, they can not think of what they mean, and the meaning of the article still can not be understood. In response to this situation, I summed up in teaching practice a way to remember words - Lenovo method. This method is especially suitable for the memory of students during the third trimester review period to consolidate words. The specific operation is as follows: Open the new vocabulary, read the word to its phonetic; phonetic pronunciation of the word spelling
承担基础教育的公办学校,其教师的工资福利原本由财政全额拨款,但华南师大附中并非如此。千千万万家长梦想着把孩子送进去的这所广东“名校”,398名教职工的工资福利,按广东省财政厅的预算安排,发放额度是3400万元,但实际拨款只有2100万元,剩下的1300万元得自筹。  “大约40%的工资福利要靠学校自筹解决,这极不合理。”今年1月召开的广东省“两会”上,广东省人大代表、华南师范大学附中校长吴颖民在分