文书提出命令制度的确立对于提升民事诉讼当事人证据收集能力,保护其合法权益以及保证人民法院准确认定案件事实具有重要意义.中国《民诉法解释》第112条在借鉴大陆法系相关规定的基础上对该项制度作出了规定,但相较大陆法系有关立法例,中国对于该项制度的设计还存有缺陷,其中最突出的就是中国文书提出命令制度的适用范围规定得过于狭窄,仅将当事人纳入了文书提出义务主体的范围,而忽略了对诉讼外第三人的考量.因此,有必要借鉴域外关于第三人文书提出义务的立法经验,以对中国文书提出命令制度的主体范围进行必要的扩展,从而尽快在中国确立案外第三人的文书提出义务.","The establishment of the order for production of a document seems to be significant for promoting civil partiesevidence-gathering capacity,protecting their legitimate rights and interests,as well as ensuring the accuracy of the peoples court ascertaining the facts of a case.On the basis of the related rules in Continental Legal System,section 112 of the Judicial Explanation of Civil Procedure Law of the Peoples Republic of China has been promulgated this system,by contrast,there are still inadequacies in the design of the order for production of a document in China,among the most outstanding is the order for production of a document which has very narrow applications,providing only the duty of putting forward evidence to court of parties in civil,and ignoring the third party.Therefore,it is necessary to le from extraterritorial experience in legislation on the duty of putting forward evidence to court of the third party,to extend the scope of civil subject of the duty of putting forward evidence to court in China,so as to establish the duty of putting forward evidence to court of the third party as quickly as possible.