1.施工期裂缝控制概念 砼容易产生裂缝已引起了土建人员的充分重视,裂缝的控制成了砼质量的一项重要内容。设计人员和施工人员对砼裂缝研究和控制重点不同,前者偏重研究使用荷载下的裂缝问题,而后者主要研究施工过程中由某种约束变形而引起的裂缝问题。
1. The concept of crack control during construction 砼 The prone to cracks has caused the civil construction personnel to pay enough attention to it. Crack control has become an important part of the quality of concrete. The designers and constructors have different research and control points on the cracks in the concrete. The former focuses on the cracks under load, while the latter mainly studies the cracks caused by certain constraints during the construction process.