Over the past 30 years, the incidence of obesity and overweight has risen rapidly, seriously affecting public health. Existing strategies for weight loss mainly focus on healthy diets and physical activity, but these methods are obviously not successful. The reason is that the energy intake is not limited or the high level of energy consumption can not be maintained. There is still much controversy over this. Therefore, there have been many doubts about the role of physical activity and exercise in weight control. This article assesses the rationale for reducing physical activity and energy expenditure as a contributing factor to obesity and examines the role of physical activity in food intake and body weight control. Both the objective measurement of energy expenditure and the biological theory of weight gain do not stand alone. “Obesity is the result of a sustained decline in daily energy expenditure.” However, since active exercise is the most important and autonomous part of total daily energy expenditure and enables self-balancing of energy and energy, physical activity and exercise still have the most potential to solve the problem of obesity.