磷酸酯类航空液压油SKYDROL-LD_4是美国波音飞机使用的系列产品。本研究初步探讨了该 皮肤刺激为中度。连续染毒一周后,皮肤出现皲裂,病理可见以淋巴细胞为主的炎细胞浸润。皮肤上皮细胞增生,角化亢进。滴眼后反应剧烈,可致充血、流泪、怕光,5分钟及4小时病理可见,眼粘膜上皮组织糜烂、脱落、水肿及炎细胞浸润,未见眼底
Phosphatized aviation hydraulic oil SKYDROL-LD_4 is a series of products used by the United States Boeing aircraft. The study initially discussed the skin irritation is moderate. After continuous exposure to a week, the skin appears chapped, the pathological visible to lymphocyte infiltration of inflammatory cells. Skin epithelial cell hyperplasia, hyperkeratosis. Severe eye drops, can cause congestion, tearing, fear of light, 5 minutes and 4 hours pathological evidence of epithelial erosions, shedding, edema and inflammatory cell infiltration, no fundus