Research on Application's Credibility Verification Based on ABD

来源 :Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sizhezang1
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Software credibility refers to the matching degree between the expected result and system behavior in the real running environment.This paper focuses on the application of software creditability verification method based on the application behavior declaration(ABD),in which the application of software credibility validation process and the software behavior declaration definition statement are put forward.In the integration of the process and the software development life cycle,the ABD is embedded into the software development phases to make the software behavior be consistent with the judgment and the final realization meet the requirement of trusted software verification. Software credibility refers to the matching degree between the expected result and system behavior in the real running environment. This paper focuses on the application of software creditability verification method based on the application behavior declaration (ABD), in which the application of software credibility validation process and the software behavior declaration definition statement are forward forward.In the integration of the process and the software development life cycle, the ABD is embedded into the software development phases to make the software behavior be consistent with the judgment and the final realization meet the requirement of trusted software verification.
摘要:南京工程高等职业学校校企合作、工学结合的就业模式,为企事业单位输送了大量高素养、高技能型人才。文章通过对南京工程高等职业学校毕业生的回访调研,分析该校毕业生的就业情况及教学改进措施,为提升该校五年制高职毕业生就业质量提供理论与实践方面的参考。  关键词:五年制高职;毕业生;就业  南京工程高等职业学校坚持“以就业为导向”的办学思路,注重学生就业工作,为社会培养了大批量技术应用型人才。为能进一
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