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机械工业部电器工业局、水电部科技司于1983年11月15日在四川绵竹联合召开了东方30万千瓦汽轮机出厂试车鉴定会。在鉴定会前,该机曾顺利通过了厂内空负荷试车。在鉴定会期间,又进行了汽轮机冷态起动,空负荷全速试车,测试了汽轮机运行性能参数。汽轮机运行平稳,轴承工作正常,膨胀对称,调节系统工作正常。汽轮机在3000转/分下空负荷运行了20分钟。与会代表一致认为这次汽轮机的冷态启动空负荷试车是成功的。 Electrical Industry Bureau of the Ministry of Machinery Industry and Ministry of Science and Technology of the Ministry of Electricity and Water were convened a trial of factory commissioning of 300,000 kilowatts of east steam turbines on November 15, 1983 in Mianzhu, Sichuan. In the identification of the meeting, the machine has successfully passed the factory empty load test. During the appraisal meeting, it carried out the cold start of the turbine, empty load test at full speed, and tested the turbine performance parameters. Turbine running smoothly, bearing normal work, expansion symmetry, regulating system is working properly. The turbine ran at an idle load of 3000 rpm for 20 minutes. Delegates agreed that the cold start of the steam turbine idle load test is successful.
许多地方和企业都在为人才流失而头痛。西部地区也总在感叹,现在不仅是孔雀东南飞,连麻雀也东南飞了。一些企业留不住管理与技术人才。留住人才的秘诀是什么?我想起了13世纪波斯诗人萨迪一个“青年和羊”的寓言。  有一个年轻人用绳子牵着一只羊走。路人说,这只羊之所以跟你,是你用绳子拴着,并不是喜欢你,也不是真心跟你。年轻人放开绳子,自己随意走,羊仍然寸步不离。路人好奇,年轻人说,我供给它饲料和水草,还精心照