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  Interviewer: So most people, including me, learn how to ride a bicycle when we’re young, and maybe up through high school I did, and then, when I got out of school, I stopped bicycling. But you…
  Rob Perks: Mmm.
  Interviewer: …have continued to bicycle, so tell me, how have you incorporated this into your life?
  Rob: Well, it started for me as well as, you know, as a kid getting to baseball practice, then in college you need to get to class, cars were expensive, all that. And then, you know, you move on, and I started to just drive to work, everything else, like most Americans do. And you ride on weekends, you ride your mountain bike on trails, you do all these things recreationally. And at one time in the weekend I decided, “You know what, I’m gonna see if I can ride my bike to work.” Took me 20 minutes. The commute in the car was about 15 with stop lights…
  Interviewer: Wow.
  Rob:…and everything else. So, OK, this is gonna work. I started three days a week, set a goal, and it turned out to be so simple and so much fun, because you’re outside, and you get to do the fresh air.So just kind of at that point it stuck and became part of my daily routine. My lifestyle to, yeah, you know, at least here in town, to use the bike more and the car less.
  Interviewer: That’s great! Yeah, I know, for me, especially being in the traffic in L.A., it can be very stressful, so that’s interesting that you say it was 15 minutes in the car and 20 minutes on the bike, and then you don’t have all the stress of the traffic and the gas costs, and the repairs on your car.
  Rob: Exactly. The health benefits are just one part of the whole package that you get, and it’ll affect your lifestyle and the way you communicate, the way you are tied to your local community, because you see things that you would never see when you’re inside your car with the glass box around you. I mean a good example is if I’m at a stop light, not only will a fellow cyclist potentially say hello, but people crossing the street say hello, and when was the last time you were in your car and you ever said hello at a red light? But I’ve even had people in cars say hello.
  Interviewer: Wow.
  Rob: It…it’s just one of those things that you become connected to your community, you’re part of your area, and, while you’re at it, you’re getting the physical exercise as well.
  Interviewer: Yeah, that’s great. You know…
  Rob: So it’s a win-win.
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