There have been many reports at home and abroad on the application of various types of radiation to induce new types of rice-induced variation. In recent ten years, great progress has been made in using radiation to breed new varieties of rice that are premature, dwarf, high yield and high quality. The results of radiation breeding are also widely used in agricultural production, such as Japan, “Fuji 稔” varieties by γ-ray treatment of bred early, dwarf, high-yielding varieties of “dawn”, the maximum per mu yield of about 1200 pounds, 1966 began to promote the 1970 Accounting for the fourth place in Japan’s rice cultivation area. In the Philippines, Bangladesh, and Taiwan Province of our country using radiation mutagenesis methods, a number of 1R_8 have been selected. Early maturity, high yield, high quality new line. Since 1958, China began to study the radiation breeding of rice, especially since the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, notable progress has been made in the short period of time because of the mass radiation breeding campaign and the use of relatively simple equipment. According to preliminary statistics, up to now, more than 30 new rice varieties have been bred. Among them, “Xiong Yue 613”, “Jin Yun 1”, "