1982年7月四川省云阳县城东一公里外的长江北岸发生巨大滑坡,滑坡总体积约1500万立方米,滑坡推入长江河床的土石达230万立方米,堆积物直抵江心,并达彼岸,江心填高30余米,长江航道出现了600余米长的急流险滩,给通航带来极大困难。 本文对该滑坡的特征、形成机制、稳定性以及治理措施进行初步探讨。
In July 1982, a huge landslide occurred on the north bank of the Yangtze River one kilometer east of Yunyang County, Sichuan Province. The landslide totaled about 15 million cubic meters. The landslide pushed 2.3 million cubic meters of earth and stone into the Yangtze River bed. The other side, the river center filled more than 30 meters, the Yangtze River Channel appeared more than 600 meters long rapids, to the navigation caused great difficulties. In this paper, the characteristics of the landslide, formation mechanism, stability and governance measures were discussed.