在3个蒸压粉煤灰砖试件上对56根不同直径、锚固深度为10 d的化学植筋后锚固钢筋进行单向拉拔试验.通过测量在不同荷载等级下的钢筋滑移、钢筋应变分布并观察试件受力破坏过程,归纳化学植筋后锚固的受拉破坏模式,研究分析不同钢筋外形、不同直径对化学植筋后锚固承载力的影响.根据蒸压粉煤灰砖砌体、钢筋和胶粘剂的特点及其粘结滑移关系,建立植筋锚固的有限元分析模型,并进行有限元计算.对计算结果与试验结果进行比较,计算结果与试验结果吻合较好.
Fifty-six specimens of three kinds of autoclaved fly ash bricks were subjected to uniaxial pullout tests on 56 anchorage bars with different diameters and anchorage depths of 10 days.After measuring the reinforcement slips at different load levels, Strain distribution and observing the stress-failure process of specimens, the tensile failure mode of chemical anchorage after anchorage was summarized, and the influence of different reinforcement shapes and diameters on the anchorage capacity after chemical planting was studied.According to the characteristics of autoclaved fly-ash brickwork Body, steel bar and adhesive as well as the relationship between them. The finite element analysis model of anchorage anchorage was established and the finite element analysis was carried out. The calculated results were compared with the test results. The calculated results agree well with the experimental results.