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因为在心里搁了许久许久的万里边境,也为了完成好配合国家民委发起组织的兴边富民行动而开展的“走读边境中国”大型系列报道,近来我一直在阅读、访谈和思考,当然围绕的只有唯一的主题:边境!什么是边境?边境到底意味着什么?边境的历史与现状如何?边境与国家,与民族,与自然,与文化……与我们每一个人,究竟存在着怎样的关系?无疑,这是一些庞杂而深邃的问题,完全不能指靠短短的时间就能够把它们弄明白。这些年,我断断续续地走过绝大部分边境地区。但只是走了。所以,这一次我想带着这些问题再系统地走完全程--“兴边富民行动·走读边境中国”。之所以叫“走读”,是因为要在行走中脚踏实地的探查、触摸、寻访、感知、体味、思索。当然,这是一个漫长的过程。探索甚至永无止境。但我必须启程,必须沿着陆地边境线往前走,为了远方那些尚未知晓和尚未被理解的一切!望边境,我会常常想到美国的西部。在美国,西部和“边境”曾经被视为象征和神话。19世纪美国伟大的诗人沃尔特·惠特曼以西进运动为主题的最为有名的诗歌《先驱者!啊先驱者》,就描绘和讴歌了先驱者的进军:“他们进入到一个更新的更伟大的世界。”在那里,“人们将要变成兄弟姐妹,/各民族互相通婚,彼此交往,/海洋可以越过,遥远成为邻近,/所有国家紧密连接在一起。”让我印象深刻的是,惠特曼同时又发出疑问:“但是哪里是我许久以前出发想寻找的地方?/为什么它至今未被发现?”在“兴边富民行动·走读边境中国”大型系列报道启动之际,真诚地期待广大读者关注我们的行程,在今后一年多同我们一道栉风沐雨数万公里,到全国135个边境县去见证和纪录兴边富民行动的风起云涌,去领略和感受边境的岁月沧桑。—主持人 I have been reading, interviewing and thinking recently, of course, because of my long-standing 10,000-mile border in my heart and the completion of a large series of “read-in-the-border China” reports in line with the prospering and enriching the people initiated by the SNEC. There is only one theme: the border! What is the border? What does the border really mean? What is the border's history and current situation? What are the boundaries and countries, nations, nature, and culture ... and each and every one of us Relationships? Undoubtedly, these are complex and profound problems that can not be understood in a short time. In recent years, I have been passing most of the border areas intermittently. But just gone. Therefore, this time I would like to take this issue systematically and completely. - “Prospering Prosperity and Enriching the People, Walking through China on the Border.” The reason why “walking” is to probe, touch, search, perceive, taste and think while walking in a down-to-earth manner. Of course, this is a long process. Exploring and never ending. But I had to leave and I had to move along the land border and I would often think of the western part of the United States for the sake of those things in the distance that were not yet known and not yet understood. In the United States, the west and the “border” were once regarded as symbols and myths. The most famous poem “Pioneer! Avant-garde”, by the great American poet Walt Whitman in the 19th century, directed and marched the pioneers: “They entered a newer and greater World. ”“ There, people will become brothers and sisters, nations of all nations marry each other, socialize with each other, the ocean may cross, be distant, be close together, and all nations be connected. ”What impressed me most was Whitt Man also asked the question: “But where was the place I was looking for a long time ago? / Why has it not been discovered so far?” Sincerely, Readers pay close attention to our itinerary in the coming year and more with our joint efforts in tens of thousands of kilometers, to the country's 135 border counties to witness and document the prosperous and enriching people's actions in the turbulent, to experience and feel the years vicissitudes of the border. -host
本研究利用双链RNA(double-stranded RNA,dsRNA)和非序列依赖性PCR扩增技术(sequence-independent amplification,SIA)对表现出条斑症状的感病蜀葵进行了病原鉴定,结果发现侵