本片改编自珍妮弗·沃思(Jennifer Worth,1935.9—2011.5)的同名回忆录,讲述的是二十世纪五十年代贫困的伦敦东区里一群助产士的故事。作为社区助产士,沃思和她的同事们骑着自行车穿梭在大街小巷,负责八英里内所有孕妇的产检和生产工作,她们帮助无数孕妇顺利生产,也见证了各种悲欢故事。片中展现了助产士们在各种环境下——晒鱼干的棚内、没水没电的小黑屋里克服各种障碍帮孕妇们接生,也展现了孕妇们在各种身体状况中——产前感染梅毒、妊娠毒血症、产后大出血、脑震荡,仍不灭对新生命的渴望。剧中各种环境下的生产镜头堪称重口味,但看过之后不禁对母亲及助产士们有了更多的敬意。电视剧没有回避当时的产妇们所面临的恶劣生存条件和社会压力,只是加入了更多阳光灿烂的天气、患难互助的温情、戳中情绪的怀旧音乐,从而吸引了大批观众。
沃思本人的经历也颇为传奇,15岁离校后先是做了秘书,然后接受培训成为一名护士,五十年代初去到伦敦并成为一名助产士,1973年她在做了二十多年助产士之后离职,发展她在音乐方面的爱好,成了一名钢琴和歌唱教师,并到英国和欧洲各地巡回演出。2002年,她根据自己亲身经历写成的《呼叫助产士》出版,此书与之后出版的《救济院的阴影》(Shadows of the Workhouse)、《再见东区》(Farewell to The East End)都成为了畅销书。虽然沃思没能看到自己作品改编的电视剧,但她“钦点”的米兰达·哈特(在剧中饰演Chummy Brown)不负使命,凭借《呼叫助产士》夺得了2013年度全英电视奖的剧情剧最佳女演员奖。
(East End of London, 1957)
Jenny Lee (voice of mature Jenny): I must have been mad. I could have been an air hostess. I could have been a model. I could have moved to Paris or been a concert pianist. I could have seen the world, been brave, followed my heart. But I didn’t. I 1)side-stepped love and set off for the East End of London, because I thought it would be easier. Madness was the only explanation.
Midwifery is the very stuff of life. Every child is conceived in love, or lust, and born in pain followed by joy, or by tragedy and anguish. Every birth is attended by a midwife. She is in the thick of it. She sees it all.
I knew nothing of poverty or 2)appalling housing, nothing of lice, of filth, of families sleeping four to a bed, and nothing of the passion that brings on baby after baby, labour after labour. I knew nothing of life itself.
( Chummy Browne, a new midwife, is from a very decent family, and her mother isn’t satisfied with her work.)
Lady Browne: Whatever is this made of?
Chummy: It’s 14)Crimplene.
Lady Browne: This isn’t good enough.
Chummy: I only wear it for church.
Lady Browne: I don’t mean the skirt suit, and you know it. What pleasure does this give you? Chummy: You sent me to Roedean. Our motto was“Honour the Worthy.” When I deliver babies, that’s what I do.
Lady Browne: Whom exactly do you define as worthy, Camilla? Those people out there? That policeman downstairs? There’s an entire dismantled empire needing its worthy honoured. Africa, Malaya, India’s a nightmare. I’d sooner you were a missionary than lived like this and walked out with a man like that. Because at least our friends would comprehend it when we told them. You’d be a spinster but…you’d be doing good works. And wouldn’t be wearing Crimplene.
(Chummy is in a home after getting a night call. )
Chummy: Oh…Having no luck with the light switch.
Cathy: The 15)leccy’s off. I think it’s off in the whole block. Candles on the chest of drawers.
Chummy: Excellent. Now, slip yourself out of those wet 16)drawers, lie down on your back, legs apart, knees propping upwards and outwards. I’m going to examine you and then pop down the road to use the telephone. I think we might treat you to an ambulance.
Cathy: I’ve got to get it out! Oh!
Chummy: I’ve changed my mind. We’re staying right here. Do you have a cot or any blankets for the baby?
Cathy: No.
Chummy: Have you any hot water?
Cathy: No.
Chummy: Any cold?
Cathy: No! No!
Chummy: Not to worry. Now, pant for the head. Pant, pant, pant.
Cathy: Ooh!
(The pregnant mothers give Chummy courage, she decides to make choices on her own.)
Chummy: What-ho, 22)Mater!
Lady Browne: I’ve spoken to the Bishop. And 23)St. Margaret’s, Westminster is still a possibility.
Chummy: No, it isn’t. I booked All Saints’ Church up the road.
Lady Browne: But you can’t. It’s nowhere near a suitable reception venue. Chummy: Mother, it’s right next door to the parish hall. We’re going to have the party there.
Lady Browne: But, Camilla…
Chummy: And you needn’t advise me about the catering. I’ve asked the nuns to organize the buffet. Sandwiches and trifle.
Lady Browne: In which case, will you at least let me take you to 24)Norman Hartnell and buy you a wedding gown? Chummy: You can take me to Norman Hartnell, and buy me a skirt suit. Preferably Crimplene.
(Jenny also finds her own way both in midwifery and East End London.)
Jenny (voice of mature Jenny): I had entered a house in the dead of night, and emerged into sunshine, leaving a new life behind, and I wouldn’t have changed my job for all the world.
In the East End, I found grace and faith and hope, hidden in the darkest corners. I found tenderness in squalor and laughter amid filth. I found a purpose and a path and I worked with a passion for the best reason of all—I did it for love.(珍妮也在东区找到了她的信念与目标。)珍妮(年长珍妮的声音):我在深夜来访,到白天离开,为家庭迎来新的生命。我很喜欢这一行,我想做一辈子。
本片改编自珍妮弗·沃思(Jennifer Worth,1935.9—2011.5)的同名回忆录,讲述的是二十世纪五十年代贫困的伦敦东区里一群助产士的故事。作为社区助产士,沃思和她的同事们骑着自行车穿梭在大街小巷,负责八英里内所有孕妇的产检和生产工作,她们帮助无数孕妇顺利生产,也见证了各种悲欢故事。片中展现了助产士们在各种环境下——晒鱼干的棚内、没水没电的小黑屋里克服各种障碍帮孕妇们接生,也展现了孕妇们在各种身体状况中——产前感染梅毒、妊娠毒血症、产后大出血、脑震荡,仍不灭对新生命的渴望。剧中各种环境下的生产镜头堪称重口味,但看过之后不禁对母亲及助产士们有了更多的敬意。电视剧没有回避当时的产妇们所面临的恶劣生存条件和社会压力,只是加入了更多阳光灿烂的天气、患难互助的温情、戳中情绪的怀旧音乐,从而吸引了大批观众。
沃思本人的经历也颇为传奇,15岁离校后先是做了秘书,然后接受培训成为一名护士,五十年代初去到伦敦并成为一名助产士,1973年她在做了二十多年助产士之后离职,发展她在音乐方面的爱好,成了一名钢琴和歌唱教师,并到英国和欧洲各地巡回演出。2002年,她根据自己亲身经历写成的《呼叫助产士》出版,此书与之后出版的《救济院的阴影》(Shadows of the Workhouse)、《再见东区》(Farewell to The East End)都成为了畅销书。虽然沃思没能看到自己作品改编的电视剧,但她“钦点”的米兰达·哈特(在剧中饰演Chummy Brown)不负使命,凭借《呼叫助产士》夺得了2013年度全英电视奖的剧情剧最佳女演员奖。
(East End of London, 1957)
Jenny Lee (voice of mature Jenny): I must have been mad. I could have been an air hostess. I could have been a model. I could have moved to Paris or been a concert pianist. I could have seen the world, been brave, followed my heart. But I didn’t. I 1)side-stepped love and set off for the East End of London, because I thought it would be easier. Madness was the only explanation.
Midwifery is the very stuff of life. Every child is conceived in love, or lust, and born in pain followed by joy, or by tragedy and anguish. Every birth is attended by a midwife. She is in the thick of it. She sees it all.
I knew nothing of poverty or 2)appalling housing, nothing of lice, of filth, of families sleeping four to a bed, and nothing of the passion that brings on baby after baby, labour after labour. I knew nothing of life itself.
( Chummy Browne, a new midwife, is from a very decent family, and her mother isn’t satisfied with her work.)
Lady Browne: Whatever is this made of?
Chummy: It’s 14)Crimplene.
Lady Browne: This isn’t good enough.
Chummy: I only wear it for church.
Lady Browne: I don’t mean the skirt suit, and you know it. What pleasure does this give you? Chummy: You sent me to Roedean. Our motto was“Honour the Worthy.” When I deliver babies, that’s what I do.
Lady Browne: Whom exactly do you define as worthy, Camilla? Those people out there? That policeman downstairs? There’s an entire dismantled empire needing its worthy honoured. Africa, Malaya, India’s a nightmare. I’d sooner you were a missionary than lived like this and walked out with a man like that. Because at least our friends would comprehend it when we told them. You’d be a spinster but…you’d be doing good works. And wouldn’t be wearing Crimplene.
(Chummy is in a home after getting a night call. )
Chummy: Oh…Having no luck with the light switch.
Cathy: The 15)leccy’s off. I think it’s off in the whole block. Candles on the chest of drawers.
Chummy: Excellent. Now, slip yourself out of those wet 16)drawers, lie down on your back, legs apart, knees propping upwards and outwards. I’m going to examine you and then pop down the road to use the telephone. I think we might treat you to an ambulance.
Cathy: I’ve got to get it out! Oh!
Chummy: I’ve changed my mind. We’re staying right here. Do you have a cot or any blankets for the baby?
Cathy: No.
Chummy: Have you any hot water?
Cathy: No.
Chummy: Any cold?
Cathy: No! No!
Chummy: Not to worry. Now, pant for the head. Pant, pant, pant.
Cathy: Ooh!
(The pregnant mothers give Chummy courage, she decides to make choices on her own.)
Chummy: What-ho, 22)Mater!
Lady Browne: I’ve spoken to the Bishop. And 23)St. Margaret’s, Westminster is still a possibility.
Chummy: No, it isn’t. I booked All Saints’ Church up the road.
Lady Browne: But you can’t. It’s nowhere near a suitable reception venue. Chummy: Mother, it’s right next door to the parish hall. We’re going to have the party there.
Lady Browne: But, Camilla…
Chummy: And you needn’t advise me about the catering. I’ve asked the nuns to organize the buffet. Sandwiches and trifle.
Lady Browne: In which case, will you at least let me take you to 24)Norman Hartnell and buy you a wedding gown? Chummy: You can take me to Norman Hartnell, and buy me a skirt suit. Preferably Crimplene.
(Jenny also finds her own way both in midwifery and East End London.)
Jenny (voice of mature Jenny): I had entered a house in the dead of night, and emerged into sunshine, leaving a new life behind, and I wouldn’t have changed my job for all the world.
In the East End, I found grace and faith and hope, hidden in the darkest corners. I found tenderness in squalor and laughter amid filth. I found a purpose and a path and I worked with a passion for the best reason of all—I did it for love.(珍妮也在东区找到了她的信念与目标。)珍妮(年长珍妮的声音):我在深夜来访,到白天离开,为家庭迎来新的生命。我很喜欢这一行,我想做一辈子。