In everyone’s daily life, communication is going on all the time. Undoubtedly, communication plays an important role in everyday life in all walks of life. However, when it comes to communication, we have to mention the exchange of body language, an important member of this extended family. Because of this, we also need to talk about the specific functions of body language in English teaching. English teaching and other school teaching subjects such as math, language or other subjects are completely different. Because English teaching places great emphasis on practical applications, in other words, emphasizing the ability to communicate with people. However, school teachers can only teach students the dead knowledge of books through hard materials. In this way, how can teachers achieve concrete and practical applications such as listening, speaking, reading, writing, comprehension and so on? Teachers are capable of teaching their students knowledge in English or after-school English Students talk about some hot topics. But these students are not able to fully understand. This is bound to have many uncommon words students do not understand or students have not heard the more difficult grammar. We are not surprised at this point. In fact, this is a very normal phenomenon. In addition, being able to communicate with people in the second language of English is important to every student and must be the ultimate teaching goal for every English educator. However, it is undoubtedly a very difficult project to realize all the above things in a real way. This article mainly discusses the function of body language in English teaching. This will be very helpful for English teaching in class.