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实施西部大开发战略,加快中西部地区经济社会发展,是党中央统揽全局、面向新世纪作出的重大决策,是我国在新世纪初经济社会发展的一项长期战略任务,也是全面建设小康社会、加快区域协调发展的实际步骤。西部大开发在我区实施四年来,为我区加速发展提供了难得的历史性机遇,全区各族群众树立强烈的发展意识,奋发进取,求真务实,使全区西部大开发工作取得了显著成效。突出表现在:综合经济实力进一步增强,四年来,全区国内生产总值年均递增11.9%,高于全国平均水平;经济自主增长能力明显提高,这四年利用国债资金218亿元,拉动全区固定资产投资达2849亿元,超过此前15年的总和;生态建设成效显著,四年共投入136亿元,实施了退耕还林还草、京津风沙源治理等一批重点工程;基础设施条件得到较大改善,全区以公路交通、水利建设为重点,实施了一批 Implementing the strategy of developing the west region and speeding up economic and social development in the central and western regions is a major policy decision taken by the party Central Committee in the overall situation and in the new century. It is also a long-term strategic task of our country in economic and social development at the beginning of the new century. It is also a long-term strategic task of building an overall well-to-do society , And speed up the practical steps for the coordinated development of the region. In the four years since the implementation of the western development in our region, it has provided a rare historical opportunity for the accelerated development of our region. The people of all nationalities in the region have established a strong sense of development and are making progress in pursuing truth and being pragmatic so that the development of the western region of the region has been made Significant results. Outstanding performance: In the past four years, the GDP of the region has increased by 11.9% annually on average, which is higher than the national average. The ability of independent economic growth has been obviously improved. In the past four years, the total funds of national debt have been increased by 21.8 billion yuan to boost the overall economic strength. The investment in fixed assets amounted to 284.9 billion yuan, more than the sum of the previous 15 years. The ecological construction achieved remarkable results with a total investment of 13.6 billion yuan in the past four years. A number of key projects such as converting cultivated land into forests and grasslands and controlling the source of sand and dust in Beijing and Tianjin were implemented. Conditions have been greatly improved, the region to highway traffic, water conservancy construction as the focus, the implementation of a number of
又逢清明,窗外微凉的雨,雪蝶般飞满我的天空。我从柜子里取出那把珍藏多年的油纸伞,把自己与思绪撑了出去。要知道,在兰州这个沙尘飞扬的季节,清明有雨,是多么的难得啊!  还记得吗,燕儿?在雷峰塔下、西子湖畔的清明时分,春雨如酒惹人醉,杨柳如烟水含笑。白娘子一袭素衣,像幽灵一样飘到许汉文的伞下。于是,这个永远也叙述不尽的传说横空出世了。当时的我也是一名小牧童,我总是希望在雨雾纷纷的季节,有一位像白娘子一
Since the "Forecasting the World Scene in 2003" and "Forecasting the World Scene in 2004" were published in the last two years, we have received surprisingly h
有些故事的发生很偶然,但却注定要改变你的一生   月光透过树叶的缝隙洒在地上,模糊成点点碎银。栀子在这种模糊中等一个叫柳欣的陌生男人。  栀子刚从开走的那趟列车上下来。男人的脸此刻在模糊中更为模糊。她心里一颤,不禁叹息般的幽幽低语,柳欣,我只看看你。  火车离到站的时间还早,站台上空空的一片寂寞。耳边隐约飘过韩红的《月亮》,遥远却真切地渗进她的心里,并像沁了水的宣纸般缓缓地不断扩散成湿湿的一片。