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曾经靠木材加工销售业致富的峰峰矿区彭城镇农民汪玉林,去年开始实施他的“还债计划”。他出资18万元买下了九山沟30年的使用权,决心变砍树为植树,在后半生把从自己手中消耗掉的木材重新还给大自然。今年退耕还林全面实施以来,他已在九山沟退耕还林310亩,栽植三倍体毛白杨、柿树等,成活率达到95%。在峰峰矿区,积极投身退耕还林热潮的农民不止汪玉林一个。宋继贵等五位农民组成一个联户承包、租赁合作制的开发组织,承包了3200亩荒山和耕地,计划三年内将承包区内的450亩耕地全部退耕,目前已栽植柿树、杏树等7000余株,嫁接枣树1万余株。在新坡东岗退耕还林示范工程现场,峰峰矿区区长张瑞书介绍说,该示范区总面积9000亩,全部由区财政投资,计划用三年时间将6000亩耕地全部退耕还林,目前已退耕2500亩,造林3000亩。 Wang Yulin, a farmer from Pengcheng town, who was once fortified by timber processing and sales, started implementing his “debt repayment plan” last year. He invested 180,000 yuan to buy 30 years of use of Jiu Mountain, determined to change the cut tree for planting trees, in the second half of the hands of wood consumed from their hands returned to nature. Since the full implementation of the conversion of farmlands to forests this year, he has returned 310 acres of farmland to forests in Jiuzhaigou and planted triploid poplars and persimmon trees with a survival rate of 95%. In Fengfeng Mining Area, farmers who actively participate in the return of cultivated land to forests have more than Wang Yulin. Song Ji-gui and other five peasants to form a joint-contract, lease cooperative development organizations, contracted 3,200 acres of barren hills and arable land, plans within three years of 450 acres of arable land within the contract area all the land, has been planted persimmon, apricot and other 7000 More than one plant, jujube tree more than 10,000 strains. In the new slope Donggang return farmland to forest demonstration project site, Zhang Fengshu, head of Feng Mine, said the demonstration area of ​​a total area of ​​9,000 acres, all from the district financial investment, plans to use three years 6,000 acres of cultivated land will be returned to farming, at present 2500 acres have been returned to plantation 3000 acres.
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