来源 :Science in China,Ser.B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:oldfan48
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A system of linearized equations which describe the motion in the tropical boundary layer and their solutions are given in this paper. If the interaction between the boundary layer and the free atmosphere is taken into consideration, the potential height of the free atmosphere cannot be entirely independent of the character of the boundary layer. From this point of veiw, the continuous and bounded solutions of the boundary layer are obtained by imposing some suitable conditions to the field of potential height and thus the difficulty that the vertical velocity at the critical latitude tends to infinity can be overcome. Furthermore, a new result that the variation of the wind with height in the boundary layer at the critical latitude is not in the form of classical Ekman spiral is obtained. And this is also supported by the result obtained under the assumption of the so-called well-mlxed condition proposed by Mahrt. A system of linearized equations which describe the motion in the tropical boundary layer and their solutions are given in this paper. If the interaction between the boundary layer and the free atmosphere is taken into consideration in this paper of the character of the boundary layer. From this point of veiw, the continuous and bounded solutions of the boundary layer are obtained by imposing some suitable conditions to the field of potential height and thus the difficulty that the vertical velocity at the critical latitude to to And this is also supported by the result obtained under the assumption of the so-called well-mlxed condition proposed by Mahrt.
应澳大利亚南极局的邀请和受我国国家南极考察委员会的派遣,我参加了澳大利亚南极戴维斯站1985年的越冬考察工作。 戴维斯站建于1957年,位于南极东南部的Vestfold山丘海岸边
黄河回汲邻区地质……………··。……………………………………’··成国栋、任于灿等 1 一背景……‘…………·‘·”··‘……………………………·’……·”·’…
The current elements of the Kuroshio in the East China Sea are analysed and discussed using the temperature-salinity and GEK data of the PN section obtained du
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