加强资金的清查、管理 提高资金使用率

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去年以来,我县供销社针对一部分基层社资金管理不善和进货管理不严的情况,在全面进行“清商品、清资金、清财产、清财务”的基础上,加强了资金的回收与管理,提高了资金使用率,为扩大经营,搞活流通解决了资金不足的困难,收到了较好的经济效果。一、解剖典型,全面开展“四清理”。去年初,基层社普遍反映资金紧张,有的认为是国家紧缩银根后带来的。一个劲地找上级和银行部门要求增加贷款。为了摸清资金紧张的原因,县联社组织了监察,财会、物价等职能工作人员100人,到郭河供销社开展清商品、清资金、清财产、清帐务的工作。共清出有问题资金26万元,有问题商品17万元。其中,赊销97起,金额9万元,空存商品23起,金额7万元。还发现有的人利用放权搞活之机,大搞新的不正之风;有的人将公款变私款做 Since last year, our county supply and marketing cooperatives have strengthened the recovery and management of funds on the basis of comprehensive management of “clear commodities, clear capital, clear assets and clear financial affairs” in response to the management of some grassroots funds and the lack of strict management of purchase. Improve the rate of fund utilization, solve the problem of insufficient funds for expanding business and invigorating circulation, and receive better economic results. First, the typical anatomy, the full implementation of the “four clean-up.” At the beginning of last year, grassroots cooperatives generally reflected the financial constraints and some thought it was brought about by the state’s monetary tightening. Keep looking for superior and the banking sector for additional loans. In order to find out the reasons for the shortage of funds, the county federation has organized 100 functional staff members including supervisors, finance and accounting departments and commodity prices to carry out the work of clearing goods, clearing funds, clearing up assets and clearing accounts in Guohe Supply and Marketing Cooperative. A total of 260,000 yuan of funds were cleared, there are 170,000 yuan of goods in question. Among them, the sale of credit 97, the amount of 90,000 yuan, 23 empty goods, the amount of 70,000 yuan. Also found that some people use decentralized power to invigorate the opportunity to engage in new unhealthy tendencies;
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<正> 苏轼在宋词发展中具有极为重要的地位。但历来的论者多着眼于他首创“豪放”词风的功绩,而对其他方面则注意不够。宋人汪莘尝言:“余于词所爱者三人焉。盖至东坡而一变,
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