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  Go Froth and Multiply
  It is shortly after 11 o'clock on a midweek morning, and at the shopping centre at Angel, Islington, the escalator turns in a-slow, passengerless loop.2 Amid the usual chain stores--Borders bookstore and Gap--stands a coffee shop named Tchibo,its name a bright yellow scrawl against a vivid blue background.3Inside, it is much like any normal cafe: the room is filled with the huff and splutter of the coffee machine, and a couple of customers sit sipping cappuccino and eating cake.4 But there is one curious difference: the beechwood shelves of Tchibo are lined with an assortment of fancy goods--sparkly evening shoes and brassieres,cardigans, hairdryers, frying pans--so that the effect is something strangely akin to Costa meets Argos.
Venice Wants St Mark's Tourists Dressed and Tidy      Venice will deploy stewards in Saint Mark's square to prevent tourists from stripping off their T-shirts, taking a nap or dropping fast-food wrapp
My heart leaps up when I behold  A rainbow in the sky:  So was it when my life began,  So is it now I am a man,  So be it when I shall grow old  Or let me die.t  The Child is Father of the Man:  And I
The charming Vanda, or, as she was describedin her passport, the "Honourable CitizenNastasva Kanavkin," found herself, onleaving the hospital in a position she had never beenin before: without a home
Most little girls dream of a fairy tale house in the country where the handsome Prince Charming rides up on his silvery steed, scales the verandah trellis, tosses the evil villain from a second-story
日前,在美国举办的2015GDC(游戏开发者大会)上,市场调研机构Jon Peddie Research发布了一份全球游戏硬件市场的数据报告。这份新报告中指出,全球游戏硬件市场已经扩大至670亿美元。其中PC占主导地位,而智能手机紧随其后。虽然主机硬件市场已经有所提升,但仍然位居第三。  目前全球游戏硬件市场中,PC机占到了33%的份额,智能手机的份额为23%。凭借次时代主机与Ouya、Fire
在移动世界大会上,Rovio品牌大使Peter Vesterbacka透露了Rovio未来5年的发展方向。在以F2P为主的移动游戏市场,他们将仿效米老鼠和Kitty猫的品牌策略。  Vesterbacka表示,公司希望将用户培养成粉丝,而非单纯的“顾客”。而目前中国市场、印度市场都有超过9成的用户对“愤怒的小鸟”有所了解,这对品牌基础建设将具有一定帮助。公司此前在粉丝化路线的发展上也的确有所动作,
近日,知名苹果开发者社区CocoaChina以网上调查问卷形式发起了“iOS开发者收入调查报告”活动,并对问卷数据进行整理分析后形成了本次调查报告。经数据统计发现,开发者中的男女比例严重失衡,同时,真正高收入的人群占比也不高。  难以打破的行业魔咒—男女比例失衡:在参与调查的个人开发者中,“程序猿”占比93%,“程序媛”占比7%。个人开发者的月收入中分文未收的开发者占21%,<1K刀略有收入的开发
思 存/选注      Embassies for Sale      国际政坛新闻层出不穷,“石油换食品”、“故事换金钱”,迄今都已不算新鲜。“竞选赞助换来当大使的机会”,这个你能想到吗?   Beginning in the 15th century, as the great historian Garrett Mattingly2 told us in his book Renaissan
The Wangs Have Surnames Tied Up in China      In a surprise turnaround,the Wangs win. A new study has debunked the notion that Li is China's most popular surname.   A 2006 survey of 296 million people