2005年9-10月采取实地采样与实验室分析相结合的办法对新疆南疆四县区(库尔勒市普惠牧场、沙雅县塔里木第一牧场和新和县牧场、尉犁县礅阔坦乡)土壤、牧草系统,进行微量元素(铜、钼、锰、锌、和硒)盈缺分析,所测四县区土壤中的土壤钼含量分别为1.74~2.08mg/kg、0.20~0.26mg/kg、0.27~0.35mg/kg、1.97~2.09mg/kg,较正常值(3.07 mg/kg左右)偏低,铜钼比值分别为1.6~1.62:1、2.13~2.17:1、2.21~2.30:1、0.93~1.27:1,明显低于对反刍动物比较安全的2~3∶1临界值,预示着该四县易发高钼性铜缺乏症;土壤中的含铜量分别为5.03~5.13mg/kg、11.79~12.77mg/kg、4.18~4.46mg/kg、1.49~1.65mg/kg,处于正常水平(15~60mg/kg)范围内,但新和县牧场、尉犁县礅阔坦乡生长牧草含铜量分别为4.18~4.46mg/kg、1.49~1.65mg/kg,明显低于正常水平(3~5mg/kg);土壤和牧草中锌含量分别为86~88.76mg/kg、367.25~399.55mg/kg、85.72~87.68mg/kg、76.56~78.62mg/kg,均在正常值(100mg/kg)范围内,表明上述地区不缺乏锌;土壤中的锰、牧草中的硒含量分别为391.28~397.08mg/kg、469.72~483.48mg/kg、515.66~526.74mg/kg、352.85~373.07mg/kg和0.15~0.16mg/kg、1.33~1.52 mg/kg、0.19~0.32mg/kg、0.11~0.17mg/kg,均在正常值(400mg/kg、0.03~0.05mg/kg)范围之内,表明土壤中的锰、牧草中的硒不缺乏。
From September to October in 2005, a combination of on-the-spot sampling and laboratory analysis was used to study the effects of sampling and laboratory analysis in four counties in southern Xinjiang (Pugou Ranch in Korla, Tarim First Ranch in Shaya and Ranchu in Xinhe County and Yuliu Tan in Yuli County ) Soils and pasture systems. The soil molybdenum content of trace elements (copper, molybdenum, manganese, zinc and selenium) in the four counties were 1.74-2.08 mg / kg and 0.20-0.26 mg / kg, 0.27 ~ 0.35mg / kg, 1.97 ~ 2.09mg / kg, which is lower than the normal value (about 3.07 mg / kg), the ratios of copper and molybdenum are 1.6 ~ 1.62: 1,2.13 ~ 2.17: 1, 0.93 ~ 1.27: 1, which is obviously lower than the 2 ~ 3: 1 critical value for ruminant animals, which indicates that the four counties are susceptible to high molybdenum copper deficiency. The contents of copper in soils are 5.03 ~ 5.13 kg / kg, 11.79 ~ 12.77mg / kg, 4.18 ~ 4.46mg / kg, 1.49 ~ 1.65mg / kg, within the range of normal level (15-60mg / kg), but Xinhe County Ranch, The contents of copper in growing grasses were 4.18-4.46mg / kg and 1.49-1.65mg / kg, respectively, which were significantly lower than the normal levels (3-5mg / kg). The contents of zinc in soil and pasture were 86-88.76mg / kg and 367.25 ~ 399.55 mg / kg, 5.72 ~ 87.68mg / kg and 76.56 ~ 78.62mg / kg, all within the range of normal value (100mg / kg), indicating that there is no lack of zinc in these areas; the contents of selenium in the soil of manganese and pasture are 391.28 ~ 397.08mg / kg, 469.72 to 483.48 mg / kg, 515.66 to 526.74 mg / kg, 352.85 to 373.07 mg / kg and 0.15 to 0.16 mg / kg, 1.33 to 1.52 mg / kg, 0.19 to 0.32 mg / kg, 0.11 to 0.17 mg / kg , Were within the normal range (400mg / kg, 0.03 ~ 0.05mg / kg), indicating that the soil of manganese, forage selenium is not lacking.