配送中心商品养护管理在许多企业称为在库养护。在库商品养护工作是医药零售连锁企业质量管理工作中的一个重要环节,特别是SDA药监市函[2002]65号——《关于明确GSP认证有关问题的通知》下发以后,在库商品养护工作更显得重要。 制度和职责 在库养护制度的要求:1、目的和依据;2、人员要求;3、工作程序和养护规定;4、养护方法;5、养护设备管理规定;
Distribution center commodity maintenance management is called conservation in many companies. The maintenance of goods in the library is an important part of the quality management of pharmaceutical retail chain companies, in particular, the SDA Drug Administration City Letter [2002] No. 65 - “Notice on clear issues related to GSP certification” issued after the goods in the library Conservation work is even more important. System and Responsibilities Requirements for the maintenance of the library: 1, purpose and basis; 2, personnel requirements; 3, working procedures and maintenance regulations; 4, conservation methods; 5, maintenance equipment management regulations;