九月的北京,秋高气爽,街道两旁,彩灯高挂,团花簇锦,到处洋溢着节日的喜庆气氛。 在全国人民以满腔热情迎接中华人民共和国成立53周年,以优异成绩迎接党的十六大召开之际,9月28日,中国能源化学工会全国委员会、中国煤炭工业协会在北京西郊宾馆举行隆重的表彰仪式,表彰全国“十佳”和优秀采掘队长。中国能源化学工会全国委员会主席赵永金、中国煤炭工业协会常务副会长乌
In September, Beijing is full of cheerfulness and autumn. Along both sides of the street, lanterns hung high and the flowers were clustered. There was a festival festive atmosphere everywhere. As the people throughout the country warmly welcomed the 53rd anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China and greeted the 16th CPC National Congress with outstanding results, on September 28, the National Committee of the China Energy Chemicals Trade Union and the China Coal Industry Association held a grand ceremony at the Xijiao Hotel in Beijing. The commendation ceremony commended the country’s “Top Ten” and excellent excavation team leader. Zhao Yongjin, Chairman of the National Committee of China Energy Chemicals Trade Union, and Executive Vice Chairman of China Coal Industry Association