分层测试是了解分注井分层吸水和动态调水的重要手段。CLY - 1注水井分层测试超声波电子流量计采用超声波探头测量流量 ,克服了温度、粘度、杂质以及紊流对测试的影响 ,同时测试过程中不改变水井正常工作秩序 ,不影响正常生产。该流量计能反映正常注水状态下的注水状况 ,仪器可靠、工艺简单、资料准确 ,广泛应用于分注井分层测试中 ,为了解注水井分层吸水状况和注水调整提供了重要依据。
Stratification test is an important means to understand the stratified water absorption and dynamic water diversion in well. CLY - 1 Stratification test of water injection well Ultrasonic electronic flowmeter uses ultrasonic probe to measure the flow rate and overcomes the influences of temperature, viscosity, impurities and turbulence on the test, meanwhile, it does not change the normal working order of the well and does not affect the normal production. The flowmeter can reflect the condition of water injection under normal waterflooding condition. The instrument is reliable, the technology is simple and the data is accurate. It is widely used in stratified test of injection well, which provides an important basis for understanding stratified water absorption and waterflooding adjustment.