顺应时代的“叛逆”之作--评墨西哥著名作家何塞·华金·费尔南德斯·德·利萨尔迪和他的《赖皮鹦鹉El Periquillo Sarniento》

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在18世纪末的拉丁美洲,借助法国入侵西班牙的契机,各殖民地展开了轰轰烈烈地争取民族独立和解放的运动。正是在这个时候,在拉美文学界诞生了拉丁美洲第一部由墨西哥作家何塞·华金·费尔南德斯·德·利萨尔迪(José·Joaquin·Fernandez·Lisardi)创作的《赖皮鹦鹉》。小说刻画的主题表面上与当时的拉美文学潮流相悖,但在内容上则顺应了19世纪初拉丁美洲各国人民对文学的期许和愿望。因此《赖皮鹦鹉》在某种程度上被认为是顺应了时代的“叛逆”之作。 In Latin America at the end of the 18th century, with the help of France’s invasion of Spain, colonies launched a vigorous campaign for national independence and liberation. It was at this very moment that the first Latin American “raven parrot” created by the Mexican writer Jose Joaquin Fernandez Lisardi was born in Latin American literature. On the surface, the theme portrays the novel is contrary to the trend of Latin American literature at the time, but content conforms to the expectations and aspirations of the peoples of Latin American countries in the early 19th century. Therefore, the “raven parrot” is to some extent regarded as conforming to the “rebellious” work of the times.
华中理工大学图像识别与人工智能研究所InstituteofPatternRecognitionandArtificalIntelligenceHuazhongUniversityofScienceandTechnology华中理工大学座落在江城武汉美... Institute of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence Huazhong University of Science