与采访电影编导演时的心情不同,访问白莲完全是我为一种紧迫的责任感所驱使。这位利用业余时间研究“电影修辞学”的小学教师,近四、五年来已在全国报刊杂志上发表四百余篇文章,二十多万字的《银海梦影录》书稿已为外省一家出版社接纳。令人遗憾的是,这样一位研究电影评论的专门人材,至今仅因无大学文凭而报效无门。今天,我要为此呼喊! ①沿着上海闸北区一条锯齿形的小弄走去,我
Unlike when interviewing a movie director, visiting Bailian was entirely driven by a sense of urgency. The primary school teacher, who has spent his spare time studying “film rhetoric,” has published more than 400 articles in the national newspapers and magazines in the recent four or five years. The manuscript of “Yin Hai Meng Ying Lu” Press accepted. Regrettably, such a specialist who studies film criticism has so far failed only because he did not have a university degree. Today, I want to shout for this! ① Zigzag along a small zigzag walk in Shanghai, I