这项成果是江苏省昆山排灌研究所和昆山农机研究所经过7年多时间的试验和研究,于1991年获得成功,并通过水利部、江苏省水利厅,苏州市水利局及有关部门专家的技术鉴定。 “排水鼠道护壁技术”包括护壁材料选择与材料组合成型条件、护壁机与护壁方法,鼠道排水效能三个方面,它克服了暗管排水开沟埋设费工费时、成本较高的缺点,利用拖拉机带动鼠道犁一次打洞成型,同时灌进水泥、粉煤渣等胶凝材料,固结鼠道洞壁,从而在地下形成既透水又具有一定强度的排水通道,具备施工简便、造价低廉、牢固耐用、排水效果较好等优点,每米打洞成
The result was tested and researched by Kunshan Institute of Irrigation and Drainage of Kunshan and Kunshan Agricultural Machinery Institute for more than seven years and achieved success in 1991 and passed the experts of Ministry of Water Resources, Jiangsu Provincial Department of Water Resources, Suzhou Water Conservancy Bureau and relevant departments Technical appraisal “Drainage channel protection technology” includes the material selection and material combination of wall molding conditions, wall machine and wall protection method, the three aspects of the rat drainage efficiency, it overcomes the hidden pipe drainage trenching buried construction costs, high cost shortcomings, The tractor drives the plow to form a hole at the same time, and at the same time, cementitious materials, such as cement and pulverized coal cinder, are poured in to consolidate the tunnel wall of the rat so as to form a permeable and certain drainage channel in the ground with simple construction and low cost , Durable, better drainage and other advantages, each hole into a hole