豹纹木蠹蛾(Zeuzera sp.)属鳞翅目木蠹蛾科。在国外分布于日本、期鲜;国内分布于华东、江西、广东、广西、河北、云南等省;省内分布极广,漾濞、云龙、宾川、永胜、大姚、华宁、龙陵、东川、富源等县及金沙江河谷两岸均有分布。除蛀食核桃枝梢外,同时为害梨、李、苹果、女贞等树枝。幼龄幼虫先蛀食顶芽或嫩梢,幼虫稍大转移到枝条基部或二年生枝上,受害枝自上而下干枯,虫枝易折断,影响大树果枝的发育和幼树树冠的扩大,时间一长则形成小老树。
Zeuzera sp. Is a Lepidoptera moth. Distributed abroad in Japan, fresh; domestic distribution in East China, Jiangxi, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hebei, Yunnan and other provinces; widely distributed in the province, Yangbi, Yunlong, Binchuan, Yongsheng, Dayao, Hua Ning, Longling , Dongchuan, Fuyuan counties and Jinsha River Valley are distributed. In addition to eating walnut shoots, but also for pear, plum, apple, privet and other branches. Young larvae prey on the top buds or tender shoots, the larvae are slightly transferred to the branches or biennial branches, the victim branches from top to bottom dry, easy to break the worm sticks, affecting the development of tree fruiting branches and sapling of saplings, Over time, the formation of small trees.