教育家成长丛书(七) 《任勇与数学学习指导》

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本书介绍了任老师的成长之路,探索“学习科学”的学术之路,特级教师要不断超越自我的发展之路;着重介绍了任老师的教育观、课程观、教学观、学法观、学习观、成才观、人生观以及数学教育理想和数学学习指导的具体操作。本书既传递着新的教育理念,又承载着教育教学操作方法,还提供了真实的教育教学情境。读者既可获得理论上的提升,也可获得方法上的锤炼。 This book introduces the growth path of any teacher and explores the academic way of “learning science”. The super-teacher should constantly go beyond the self-development path. Emphasis is placed on introducing the teacher's concepts of education, curriculum, teaching, learning Law concept, learning concept, concept of success, outlook on life and mathematics education ideal and mathematical learning guidance specific operation. The book not only delivers a new concept of education, but also carries the teaching methods of education and teaching, but also provides a real education and teaching situation. Readers can get the theoretical upgrade, but also get the method of temper.
左雀斑上街去。  她看到曹熊坐在一棵大树下,正翻看着一个本子。  左雀斑走过去招呼道:“曹熊,看什么呢?”  曹熊说:“这是一本漂流书。”  左雀斑问:“什么叫‘漂流书’?”  “根据第一页上写的,这是一位书店老板的创意。他把这本子放在公共场所,任人拾取。拾到它的人,根据本子上的提示,写上一段当时的内心独白,然后把它带去新的地方,让别人有机会拾到。等到整个本子都写满了,它就成了一本特别的书,会被寄