国际上目前将出现排卵障碍、LH分泌过多、卵巢肿大等的疾病称为多囊卵巢综合征(PCOS)。 1990年国际儿童健康及人类发育协会提出PCOS如下定义:①雄激素过多症状或高雄激素血症;②稀发月经;③除外明确的内分泌疾病(先天性肾上腺皮质增生、高催乳激素血症、柯兴氏综合征)。此定义中无卵巢肿大,当今国际上对该诊断标准还未认定,还有分歧。 日本妇产科学会生殖内分泌委员会于1993年
International currently there will be ovulation disorders, LH secretion, ovarian enlargement and other diseases known as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). 1990 international association of children’s health and human development PCOS defined as follows: ① androgenic symptoms or hyperandrogenism; ② hair loss menstruation; ③ except for a clear endocrine disease (congenital adrenal hyperplasia, hyperprolactinemia, Cushing’s syndrome). No ovarian enlargement in this definition, the international diagnostic criteria have not yet been identified, there are differences. Japan Obstetrics and Gynecology Society Reproductive Endocrine Commission in 1993