应用美国Zeus Scientific Inc 公司提供的肺炎支原体间接免疫荧光( MPIFA) 试剂盒检测100 例呼吸道与肺部感染患儿及76 名健康体检儿童。结果:呼吸道感染患儿MPIgM、IgC 抗体阳性率分别为230 % 和1305 ,双阳性率60 % ,总阳性率300 % ,健康对照组儿童MPIgC 阳性率522 % 。对确诊为MP阳性的25 例住院患儿临床资料分析;表现多样化,80 %病例具有持续性咳嗽,48 % 有中等度发热,白细胞多在正常值范围内,X 线72 % 呈间质性肺炎改变。较肺部体征出现早、临床上与其它病毒引起的呼吸道与肺部感染难以区别。双荧光染色法检测MPIgM、IgC 抗体,具有特异性强、灵敏、简便、快速的优点,为临床诊断、流行病学调查提供了又一种快速的血清学实验方法
100 children with respiratory tract and lung infection and 76 healthy children were tested with Mycoplasma pneumoniae indirect immunofluorescence (MPIFA) kit provided by Zeus Scientific Inc. in the United States. Results: The positive rates of MPIgM and IgC in children with respiratory tract infection were 230% and 1305 respectively, the double positive rate was 6.0% and the total positive rate was 300%. The positive rate of MPIgC in children with respiratory tract infection was 522% . The clinical data of 25 hospitalized children diagnosed as MP positive were analyzed. The performance was diversified. 80% of patients had persistent cough, 48% had moderate fever, more leukocytes were in the normal range, 72% of X-ray showed interstitial Pneumonia changes. Early signs of lung disease, clinical and other viruses caused by respiratory and pulmonary infections is difficult to distinguish. Dual fluorescent staining for detection of MPIgM and IgC antibodies has the advantages of specificity, sensitivity, simplicity and rapidness, and provides another rapid serological test method for clinical diagnosis and epidemiological investigation