自1995年1月至1997年12月,我们用EAC方案腹腔化疗和FAM方案治疗进展期胃癌98例,从治疗的有效率、毒副反应、一般健康状况等方面,来比较和评价两种方案的治疗效果。1 资料和方法1.1 研究对象98例进展期胃癌均为住院患者,经胃镜及病理检查确诊为原发性胃癌,已失去手术机会,或拒绝手术治疗,未接受过化疗和(或)放疗,karnofsky[KS]评分≥50,无活动性重复癌,无严重肝肾功能损害。随机分为2组,52例为治疗组(A组),46例为对照组(B组),两组患者在性别、年龄、KS评分和病理组织类型等方面无显著性差异,存在可比性。两组患者的一般资料(详见表1)。
From January 1995 to December 1997, we treated 98 cases of advanced gastric cancer with the EAC regimen of intraperitoneal chemotherapy and FAM regimen. We compared and evaluated two regimens in terms of efficacy, toxicity and general health status. Therapeutic effect. 1 Materials and methods 1.1 Research subjects 98 cases of advanced gastric cancer are hospitalized patients, confirmed by gastroscopy and pathological examination as primary gastric cancer, have lost surgery or refused surgical treatment, have not received chemotherapy and (or) radiotherapy Karnofsky [KS] score ≥ 50, no active repeat cancer, no serious liver and kidney damage. Randomly divided into two groups, 52 cases for the treatment group (A group), 46 cases for the control group (B group), the two groups of patients in gender, age, KS scores and pathological type and other aspects were no significant differences, there is comparable . General information on the two groups of patients (see Table 1 for details).