Assessment of water depth change patterns in 120° sharp bend using numerical model

来源 :Water Science and Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shirleyzuo
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In this study,FLUENT software was employed to simulate the flow pattern and water depth changes in a 120° sharp bend at four discharge rates.To verify the numerical model,a 90° sharp bend was first modeled with a three-dimensional numerical model,and the results were compared with available experimental results.Based on the numerical model validation,a 120° bend was simulated.The results show that the rate of increase of the water depth at the cross-section located 40 cm before the bend,compared with the cross-sections located 40 cm and 80 cm after the bend,decreases with the increase of the normal water depth in the 120° curved channel.Moreover,with increasing normal water depth,the dimensionless water depth change decreases at all cross-sections.At the interior cross-sections of the bend,the transverse water depth slope of the inner half-width is always greater than that of the outer half-width of the channel.Hence,the water depth slope is nonlinear at each crosssection in sharp bends.Two equations reflecting the relationships between the maximum and minimum dimensionless water depths and the normal water depth throughout the channel were obtained. In this study, FLUENT software was employed to simulate the flow pattern and water depth changes in a 120 ° sharp bend at four discharge rates. To verify the numerical model, a 90 ° sharp bend was first modeled with a three-dimensional numerical model, and the results were compared with available experimental results. Based on the numerical model validation, a 120 ° bend was simulated. results results that the rate of increase of the water depth at the cross-section located 40 cm before the bend, compared with the cross-sections located 40 cm and 80 cm after the bend, decreases with the increase of the normal water depth in the 120 ° curved channel. Moreover, with increasing normal water depth, the dimensionless water depth change decreases at all cross-sections. At the interior cross-sections of the bend, the transverse water depth slope of the inner half-width is always greater than that of the outer half-width of the channel .ence, the water depth slope is nonlinear at each crosssection in sharp bends.Two equations reflecting the relationships between the maximum and minimum dimensionless water depths and the normal water depth throughout the channel were obtained.
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