自1992年本院采用促肝细胞生长素治疗各型急、慢性病毒性肝炎632例,现将其不良反应报告如下.病例选择 632例病毒性肝炎均为住院病人,其中急性肝炎296例,慢性活动型肝炎288例,肝硬化失代偿期48例,男性581例,女性51例,平均年龄34.6岁.用药方法 632例病人均在服用一般中西保肝药物基础上加用促肝细胞生长素,应用方法为80~140mg加入10%葡萄糖注射液250~500mL中静滴,每日一次,疗程根据病情一般为2~12周.
Since 1992, the hospital using hepatocyte growth factor for the treatment of various types of acute and chronic viral hepatitis 632 cases, now the adverse reactions are reported as follows.Cases of 632 cases of viral hepatitis are inpatients, of which 296 cases of acute hepatitis, chronic activity 288 cases of hepatitis, decompensated liver cirrhosis 48 cases, 581 males and 51 females, with an average age of 34.6 years old.Methods 632 patients were treated with general hepatoprotein hepatitocytoxin, Application method 80 ~ 140mg 10% glucose injection 250 ~ 500mL intravenous infusion once daily, the course of treatment is generally 2 to 12 weeks.