橄榄,学名余甘子(Phy llanthcesemblica L.),又叫油甘子,为野生小果。大戟秆植物,落叶小乔木或灌木,一般树高1~3米。在我省楚雄州分布较多,大理、保山、曲靖、红河、文山等专州县也有分布。它多生长在海拔800~2000米的疏林下或山坡向阳处,又以海拔1000~1600米的干热河谷地带最为密集,仅楚雄各县每年产量不下10万斤。因此,科学地开发利用这一野生果类资源,加工成各类果品,是繁荣山区经济,发展具有地方特色的食品加工业的一条有效途径。
Olive, Phyllidaceae (phyllanthuscemblica L.), also known as oleaginous seeds, is a small wild fruit. Euphorbia stalks plants, deciduous trees or shrubs, generally 1 to 3 meters high trees. Chuxiong Prefecture in our province more distribution, Dali, Baoshan, Qujing, Honghe, Wenshan and other prefectures are also distributed. It grows more in 800 ~ 2000 meters above sea level under the sparse forest or the sunny hillside, and 1,000 to 1,600 meters above sea level in the hot and dry valley most intensive, only Chuxiong counties annual output of no less than 100,000 kg. Therefore, scientifically exploiting and utilizing this wild fruit resource and processing it into various kinds of fruit products is an effective way to prosper the economy and develop the food processing industry with local characteristics.