生脉注射液是根据古方“生脉散”经过剂型改革制成的一种无菌水溶液针剂。本品有活血化瘀、理气开窍的功能,具有扩张血管与增加冠状动脉血流量的作用。用于治疗心肌梗塞,心源性休克及其它微循环障碍等疾病。我院根据临床需要,提出制备生脉注射液的课题,现将处方制备作一介绍。一、处方组成红参(吉林)45支装100克(去芦头) 麦冬 312克北五味子 156克注射用水加至1000毫升二、制备工艺 (1)提取与精制: 红参:称取去芦头的红参切成薄片置具有冷凝器的园底烧瓶中,加入原生药量6倍的75%乙醇反复回
Shengmai injection is a kind of sterile aqueous injection made according to the prescription reform of “Shengmaisan”. This product has the functions of promoting blood circulation and resuscitation, and has the function of dilating blood vessels and increasing coronary blood flow. For the treatment of myocardial infarction, cardiogenic shock and other microcirculation disorders and other diseases. In accordance with the clinical needs of our hospital, we proposed the topic of preparing Shengmai injection. We will now introduce prescription preparation. I. Prescription Red ginseng (Jilin) 45 sticks 100 grams (to Lutou) Ophiopogon 312 g schisandra schisandrae 156 g water for injection plus 1000 ml 2. Preparation process (1) Extraction and purification: Red ginseng: Weigh-in The red ginseng of Reed head was sliced into a round-bottomed flask with a condenser, and 65% of the original dose of 75% ethanol was added repeatedly.