A Rapid Marine Regression in the Southwestern Tarim Basin in the Latest Cretaceous: Comparison of Tw

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Two different evaporitic sequences occurred in the latest Cretaceous–Early Paleocene in Yarkand Basin, southwestern Tarim Basin, Xinjiang Province, China: one is characterized by poor gypsum and some small, lenticular-shaped halite layers in the Tuyiluoke Formation of the latest Cretaceous, the other is characterized by very thick gypsum and halite layers in the Aertashen Formation of the early Paleocene. In the early developmental stage of the Tuyiluoke Formation, the Yarkand ancient saline lake was a long, strip-shaped depression, NW–SE oriented, along the West Kunlun piedmont, with its eastern boundary to the line along bores Ys1-T1-Ks101, the concentrated center located in the area of borehole S1. In the later developmental stage, the depositional scope was shifted inch by inch to the NW of this saline lake, forming a triangular depositional area, with apices at boreholes Wx1, Ak2 and S1, the concentrated center of the saline lake gradually migrating from borehole S1 region to the northwestern area of the lake, developing four small, evaporated-concentrated sub-depressions, depositing lenticular-shaped halite. In the early Paleocene, the ancient saline lake was stretched from the West Kunlun piedmont in the west, to the Markit slope in the east, from the South Tianshan piedmont in the north, to the Hotan area in the south, accompanied by giant thicknesses of halite and large-scale gypsum layers, mainly interbedded with limestone in the Aertashen Formation. The evaporites in the latest Cretaceous-early Paleocene were controlled by the marine transgression-regression geological background in the Yarkand Basin. Generally, integrated evaporitic depositional sequences, such as clasolite-gypsum-halite-potash, usually occur in the presence of persistent seawater through evaporation, but this is not the case in the Tuyiluoke Formation. In contrast, very thick gypsum layers are common in the early Paleocene. Typically, adequate mineral sources for evaporites are found within seawater, such as in large basins undergoing long-term marine transgression-regression cycles, where adequate seawater remains, even though the basin was going through a marine regression stage. In the latest Cretaceous, thin gypsum layers indicate a lack of mineral sources. In contrast, the early Paleocene has far larger evaporites, both in width and thickness. This suggests a short-term marine regression stage must have occurred during the spatiotemporal evolution of the evaporites in the latest Cretaceous–Early Paleocene in the basin, meaning that a rapid marine regressive episode has been identified at the end of the Cretaceous.
造纸法再造烟叶废水中富含微生物,而了解废水中微生物的多样性,将有助于针对性的优化生化处理工艺,提高废水处理效果。本文采用16S rRNA基因高通量测序对某造纸法再造烟叶生产废水污泥中微生物多样性进行了分析。结果表明,其所包含菌门数占到了目前细菌域中已经发现的菌门数中的80%,显示了废水污泥的物种多样性和群落结构复杂性,从侧面佐证了其在降解有机污染物和无机污染物以及降低废水水质色度方面的独特活性和广谱性,从而为再造烟叶废水处理的效果提供了稳定而高效的重要保障。
本研究设计了一种基于PCR的快速检测方法,可在富集培养的情况下检测化妆品中的金黄色葡萄球菌。该方法首先采用优化的金黄色葡萄球菌富集培养基进行增菌,再利用耐热核酸酶nuc基因、纤维蛋白原结合蛋白clfA基因和Sma I限制性酶切片段特异序列为靶基因,建立多重PCR检测体系。结果表明,三对引物扩增金黄色葡萄球菌DNA的灵敏度为1.35 pg/μL,且在保湿乳中可检测到1.5 CFU/g的金黄色葡萄球菌。本研究针对化妆品中金黄色葡萄球菌的多重PCR检测方法具备检测灵敏度高、特异性好、操作简单、耗时短等特点,具有
广西红树林研究中心(以下简称“中心”〕是我国迄今为止唯一的红树林独立事业法人研究机构,即将走过风风雨雨的30年.1991年12月20日,广西壮族自治区人民政府 批准广西科学院成立“广西红树林研究中心”,挂靠在广西海洋研究所.2001年8月28日, 中心脱离广西海洋研究所成为独立法人单位,核编32人.
为探明高岭土悬浮物的影响范围及其对榄根村红树林底质环境的影响,2020年3月在榄根村死亡红树林的林内、林缘、附近正常红树林、对照林区及潮沟开展底质环境调查采样.结果 表明:死亡红树林的林内、林缘和附近正常红树林内的高岭土悬浮物主要沉积在表层10-20,5-10和0-5 cm内,对应层次的平均铝含量分别为9.15%,10.8%和7.10%,而对照林区沉积物柱状样的平均铝含量为3.60%.靠近陆域填土区的潮沟(S1-S3站位)底质平均铝含量为5.94%,其他监测潮沟(S4-S7站位)的平均铝含量为1.86%.
本研究旨在探讨围填海对白骨壤(Avicennia marina)叶片叶绿素含量、呼吸与能量代谢的影响。实验以围填海不同区域白骨壤的叶片和指状呼吸根为材料,研究围填海对白骨壤叶片叶绿素含量、NAD~+/NADH比值、NADP~+/NADPH比值、ATP含量和指状呼吸根活力、细胞色素C氧化酶和乙醇脱氢酶活性的影响。实验结果表明,围填海使白骨壤叶片叶绿素含量平均下降53%,NAD~+/NADH比值下降6